Challenging Organizations

Van Nistelrooij ea (2013) Paradox & Programmed dialogue CO
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Change Management

Van Nistelrooij (2017) Change management white paper Van Nistelrooij & De Caluwe (2016) I intervene and nothing happens!? JMI Van Nistelrooij & Sminia (2010) what’s happening JCM Sminia & Van Nistelrooij (2010) guest ed JCM Van Nistelrooij & De Caluwe (2007) colo
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Organization Development

Organization development (OD) has been, and arguably still is, a major approach to organizational change throughout the Western world, and increasingly globally.55 It is also generally agreed that the original core components of OD were T-groups, action research and participative mana
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Victor Brauner (1954) “Prelude to civilisation” (MoMa, New York) In general, social constructionism is a scientifically grounded approach in psychology and in sociology that attempts to come to terms with natural, realistic descriptions of human interaction. There are many
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